4 Things Every Entrepreneur Needs to Know About SEO

Application Development | December 28, 2023

As an entrepreneur looking to grow your business online, search engine optimization (SEO) is critical for getting your website found. SEO helps people discover your brand when searching for relevant products or services on Google, increasing qualified traffic and visibility.


If you are not leveraging SEO as an integral marketing channel yet, your company is missing out on tapping into this inbound demand completely free! With over 3.5 billion searches a day, search engines represent the world’s largest marketplace today. Where your website ranks decides whether you grab a slice of this ultra-competitive pie or not.


This article condenses some key SEO basics that every entrepreneur must be aware of while exploring professional assistance.


1.Research Relevant Keywords

In-depth keyword research should form the entry point to any SEO strategy, helping you identify terms and questions your audience is asking around your business offerings. The seed list of 3-5 focus core keywords having high search volumes and low competition would become the pillars of your SEO plans. Long tail variations can also be targeted.


While manual brainstorming of semantics can uncover some keywords, dedicated tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, Ahrefs and UberSuggest make research systematic. Factoring search intent and purchase readiness helps shortlist keywords demonstrating commercial value to pursue over generic plays.


2.Optimize Pages for Target Keywords

Armed with your high potential keywords, the next step is incorporating them seamlessly into existing pages or crafting new pages optimized around each core term or phrase. This includes usage in page titles, meta descriptions, content, headers, image names and alt text. Optimize content without awkwardly over-stuffing or forcing keywords randomly.


The purpose is for both search engine bots and real visitors to clearly understand what each page focuses on through relevant keywords embedded naturally. At least 10-15 dedicated pages become necessary for a holistic SEO content strategy benefiting varied search queries. Draft value focused, engaging content tailored to search intent.


3.Localize Your SEO

For location specific businesses, emphasizing geo-targets in page content and metadata helps drive more local traffic. So instead of generic keywords, strategically highlighting your city name like SEO services in Kerala or Best restaurant in Delhi within page data signals proximity relevance.


Ensuring your Google My Business listing is completely filled out with the right details also aids local SEO. Location pages must showcase unique value addressing what locals would search for around your offerings differentiated from national level content.


4.Choose the Right SEO Partner

As an entrepreneur, your time is best spent on business growth and serving customers than trying to master technical SEO tactics. While SEO basics are easy to grasp, sustaining high search visibility across ever-changing algorithms requires dedicated expertise.


This is where the best SEO services in India can turbo charge your organic growth by becoming an extension of your team. They stay updated on search algorithm innovations, keyword and ranking fluctuations, latest link building and content optimization techniques to impact desired ROI.


Rather than generalized agencies, niche specific SEO specializing in your category offers superior performance. For example, SEO experts focusing solely on ecommerce sites would approach things differently than ones targeting the healthcare sector. So choose a partner that speaks your language.


White label SEO enables rebranding solutions as your own without outsourcing to a third party. It presents a turnkey offering fully managed by the SEO expert handed over to you for ownership. This unique model is advantageous for SEO companies aspiring to expand service offerings and scale clientele.



By internalizing SEO basics around defining targets, optimizing for them in content, emphasizing location and the right partnerships, entrepreneurs can drive growth Leverage it as an inbound channel directly answering audience searches with your brand visibility. For specialized expertise rounding off your online presence, connect with the best SEO services in Kerala or India to accomplish goals faster.

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